发表于:2010-09-15 | 分类: 网络应用
字数统计: 978 | 阅读时长: 4分钟 | 阅读量:

201009 wlyman 终于转好了,这个转移,花了我一些时间,花了我四五百大洋


name 10美元


1.嫌麻烦就直接续费ix,60usd以上 2.还是ix,为了省点钱,重新注册,一年,4.95每月,然后有一个20%优惠页面或cjcshare20优惠码,下来不到50usd ix优点:支持支付宝,livechat,独立IP 独立IP这个比较有特点,比较适合中国的网络环境 缺点:速度慢(如果将来速度提高还是不错的),Livechat有时反应慢 记得最初默认没有加上Php.ini配置时还不够运行一个wordpress(后来给增加cgi-bin/php.ini php5-custom-ini.cgi,增大了memory limit) 3.换到据说比较好的bluehost或hostmonster 有优惠价3.95usd是两年以上的,一年是4.95usd每,没有再折扣,59.4usd 优点:听说速度好 缺点:不支持支付宝,等 4.godaddy 12mos $3.99/mo On Sale! Save 20%‡ 总共$37.79 优点:也支持支付宝了,便宜 缺点:没有livechat,不太喜欢其网站,层次做的太复杂了 Customer Inquiry ? The only thing i don’t like goddady it that you website is so complexly made !! pls look at others’ sites and compare yours Support Staff Response Dear xxx Thank you for contacting Online Support. I apologize for the complexity of the site. In the beginning the site may be confusing when first learning, but be assured it will become easier, and we are always here to assist if there are anything you cannot do. Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way. Sincerely, Jason B. Online Support Team


优点:速度比ixwebhosting好一点 phpmyadmin中导入文件最大100m,而Ix的有2m限制不好 缺点:live chat反应也不快,不像Ixwebhosting一样有独立IP,操作界面没有ixwebhosting清晰 适应:前面在ixwebhosting中泛域名解析都指向一个程序,然后配置文件中选择数据库;现在不支持泛域名处理,只要添加个别子域名指向该位置


bluehost的服务真让我恼火!根本不像网上说的多么好(我估计鼓吹它好的里面有一部分是有利益动机的) livechat,问个问题,它半天才回一句;说是忙别的,已经说过的话,转过来又问; 技术层面的反应太迟钝,就不像懂技术的 太不负责,livechat花费了很多时间,最终说让传ticket,传了等了一夜,想着这回应该好了,可是竟然回复给出不负责的结果,结果我只得自己比较找原因,自己解决了

2010 09 Bluehost is a fool!!!!Re: [#AGR-13632-183] Contact me: Site/Script Compatibility

yesterday when live chat

i waited and waited for hours for an reply

at last i had to place a ticket

and again waited and waited

and finally just got such a disappointed and teasy reply!!

i have to work on it myself

i have to compare the code  from the two servers

and found they are different

it means bluehost filters the spaces

and the final format changed

so that one “//“ notation affects more code

which lead to the failure

so irresponsible!!!

i think your boss should fire you!!

-– 10年9月18日,周六, Bluehost Support Team support@bluehost.com 写道:

发件人: Bluehost Support Team support@bluehost.com 主题: Re: [#AGR-13632-183] Contact me: Site/Script Compatibility 收件人: wly_1@yahoo.com.cn 日期: 2010年9月18日,周六,上午12:32


I’m sorry but we are unable to assist you with troubleshooting your javascript code.  As long as the files are in the correct locations, javascript should work just fine on our servers.  Javascript is something that is parsed by the browser.  The only thing the server would do is to feed the files to the browser when the browser uses a GET request for them.

我原想着是不是bluemenster的人员服务好一些,问出来是,两边是相同的技术员 若是我时间充足我肯定会退款试试别的提供商
